E-mail: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd.org
Call: 240-740-3000
Answers to community questions in English and Spanish, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.
Spanish Hotline: 240-740-2845 (Línea Informativa en Español)
Carver Educational Services Center
850 Hungerford Drive, Room 131
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone 240-740-3066 / Fax 301-279-3192
Recorded emergency information:
(English and Spanish)
Weather-related messages posted on website:
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Text and Email: Alert MCPS
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How to Subscribe to Alert MCPS:
The parent portal that serves as the primary home-to-school communication vehicle for schools to share information regarding grades, attendance, scheduling and more.
Login to ParentVue and update your contact information to receive news and alerts from MCPS.
Allows users to help themselves by searching a knowledge base in both English and Spanish.